Speech Pathologist
Duties and Responsibilities: Communicating effectively involves enunciating sounds correctly, using proper intonation and tone of voice and comprehending what's heard. They might work with children, stroke victims or people with dyslexia or brain injuries. Statistics predicts a hiring boom for speech- language pathologists to accommodate impairments increase with age, and the BLS expects 26,000 new openings in this field before 2012.
Salary: $69,100 - $72,730
Educational requirements: It most complete 69 to 72 units of required courses. However 26 - 30 of these required units meet core curriculum requirements and all other degree requirements required by the university before graduation. All required pre-major and degree higher and cannot be taken completed with a grade
of 2.0 or higher and cannot be taken pass/fail.
Reflection: Would you like to become one? why or why not? No, because it seems boring
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